
::: 當前位置:首頁>學習一點通>中小網大>以職能為基礎的績效管理 Function-based performance management
中小網大】以職能為基礎的績效管理 Function-based performance management

This course covers three basic topics under the management framework: performance management development, function development and application, and function-based performance management.



Firstly, the development of performance management is expected to help supervisors and their staff to improve their performance by communicating and discussing job expectations and performance to provide suggestions and feedback for future development so that supervisors and staff can align with the direction of corporate strategic goals.



The second topic will focus on functional development and application, using the iceberg theory to talk about functions, as a supervisor or HR must make the best use of talent, learn how to determine functional gaps, and understand the Balanced Scorecard BSC, master a variety of possible measures, and understand which key areas you should measure to obtain clear and accurate and useful data.



The final topic of this course is performance management with a functional base. Through our course, you will learn ways to adapt your performance management approach to meet your individual needs.



時數:58.0 分鐘
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