
::: 當前位置:首頁>學習一點通>中小網大>商業場景中邏輯思維訓練與實踐 - 基礎篇 Logical Thinking Training and Practice in Business - Fundamentals
中小網大】商業場景中邏輯思維訓練與實踐 - 基礎篇 Logical Thinking Training and Practice in Business - Fundamentals


The main objective of this course is to help cultivate excellent logical thinking abilities, particularly the highly discerning and analytical skills required in the business field. The course will guide the adoption of the pyramid structure thinking model, which is widely regarded as an excellent tool for solving complex problems.


The hierarchical nature of the pyramid structure thinking method, with its core concept of starting from fundamental issues, then delving layer by layer to reach the core of the problem and find the best solution, is emphasized. This approach is characterized by breaking down problems into smaller, more manageable parts to ensure thorough thinking and analysis at each level. Participants will learn how to apply this thinking framework to handle various business challenges in a more systematic and organized manner.


In the course, we will delve into the following topics:


Problem Decomposition: Participants will learn how to break down complex problems into manageable sub-problems for easier handling and understanding.


Logical Reasoning: We will emphasize logical reasoning to help participants develop their critical thinking skills, enabling them to express their views clearly.


Problem Classification and Integration: Participants will learn how to classify different types of problems and integrate analyses from multiple levels to provide comprehensive solutions.


Root Cause Analysis: The course will teach how to identify the root causes of problems, not just address surface symptoms, leading to more enduring solutions.


Presenting Arguments: Participants will learn how to build compelling arguments to support their viewpoints and communicate them logically to others.


The ultimate goal of this course is to nurture professionals with strong logical thinking and problem-solving abilities who will be more confident in the business arena, capable of quickly and accurately addressing various challenges, and providing innovative and practical solutions. Whether in team collaboration or individual decision-making, the thinking approach developed in this course will serve as a solid foundation for career success.

時數:41.0 分鐘
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