
::: 當前位置:首頁>學習一點通>中小網大>日本商業型戰略式簡報 Japanese Business-Style Strategic Presentation
中小網大】日本商業型戰略式簡報 Japanese Business-Style Strategic Presentation

在這個注重視覺美感的網路世代中,視覺呈現的美感是每個多才多藝的人必備的技能。透過製作吸引人眼球的商業簡報,再結合清晰的邏輯結構,您能輕鬆地將您的知識或技術視覺化,有助於推廣您的產品或服務。 想知道如何讓更多人認識您的品牌嗎?本課程將從商業簡報的策略目的到製作呈現的邏輯結構,為各位講解如何製作一份對目標受眾有價值且訊息正確的精美簡報,提升您的商業簡報製作能力,輕鬆讓更多人認識您的品牌。希望您也能透過極具感染力的簡報,讓更多人認識您的產品或服務,成功提升品牌競爭力!

In today's world, everyone needs to have good graphic design skills. You can exhibit your expertise and advertise your products or services by making captivating business presentations and organizing them logically. Do you want your brand to be more well-known? This course teaches you how to create a stunning presentation that is meaningful to your intended audience and effectively conveys your message. You will enhance your presentation skills and expand brand awareness. We hope you'll be able to use a powerful presentation to let more people know about your products or services and successfully enhance your brand's competitiveness!

時數:174.0 分鐘
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