
::: 當前位置:首頁>學習一點通>勞動力發展署>營養膳食與備餐原則-英文版
一、瞭解影響食物攝取和營養狀態因素。 1. Understanding elements that impact food intake and nutritional status. 二、認識國民飲食之指標。 2. Understanding national dietary indicators. 三、熟知營養素的功能及其主要的食物來源。 3. Being familiar with the functions of nutrients and important food sources. 四、瞭解服務對象的生理變化及其營養需求。 4. Understanding physiological changes in care recipients and their nutritional needs. 五、認識特殊飲食的種類、目的、適用對象及一般原則。 5. Understanding special dietary categories, objectives, target recipients and general principles. 六、瞭解常見疾病飲食的種類、目的及適用對象。 6. Understanding common disease dietary categories, objectives and target recipients.

時數:86.0 分鐘

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